About Us

We are confident with our team of talented professionals with a knowledgeable skills and experience to achieve the most efficient tax results which can be best achieved trough the guidance of tax practitioners.

Darriono Prajetno


Darriono Prajetno is the founder of DP Tax Consultant. He started his career as a tax consultant in 1995.

His main academic focuses are accounting and taxation. He got his Bachelor of Economics in 1990 and Master of Accounting in 2018; and tax consultant license for international taxation / Brevet C in 2004.

*Brevet A for personal taxation, Brevet B for entity taxation, and Brevet C for international taxation.

Email me: dp@dptaxconsultant.com

Hadi Susanto

Senior Associate

Hadi Santoso is a certified tax consultant with more than 20 years of experience in taxation. He is one of our talented team focussing on managing personal taxation.

Email me: dp@dptaxconsultant.com


Senior Associate

Ferryanto Adinugroho is being with this team since since the beginning of DP Tax Consultant. He is a certified tax consultant as well with a special interest in corporate taxation.

Email me: dp@taxconsultant.com

We look forward to business potential with your esteemed company.